if you're between 13, or at age 12 when beginning school year 8 (England & Wales), S1 (Scotland) Yr 9 (Northern Ireland) and 17 years old you can join us.

However, you can get in contact before then if you wish and we will be in touch nearer the time.

You have to join before you are 17 as any later and you wont enjoy all the benefits as some things have a training and age restriction.

You can either phone us or send us a message through our contact page, or you can just come along one night to have a look around and talk to the staff. Its best if you call or email as we may all be busy on an outside activity.
Cadet Centre,
Mill Lane,
CO11 1DQ
We meet every Monday and Wednesday nights, 19:00-21:30
Whilst it is not compulsory to attend both night it is more than highly advised as you are likely to miss out on any activities, fun and vital training. 
You can either come and inform the staff on a parade night if it is a planned absence, however if it is a last minute absence then a message must be left by using cadet portal, our private website for cadets.
The RAF Air Cadets promotes a safe environment where our cadets and adult volunteers are respected Equality is a central part of the Air Cadets; no matter your sexual orientation, gender identity, background or ability everyone can get involved in what we do.  

We have dedicatee safeguarding teams and people. All staff are required to undergo mandatory annual training which includes safeguarding. We can call in our own people who are experts and they will take control of any situation.

The Cadets have their own team with representitives in every Wing who are there to help and advise.

GOOD NEWS! The basic uniform is provided completey  free of charge and as you grow you can hand in your items and get a replacemnt totally free of charge.

You will be given: 
Beret with a badge,
Trousers (plus a skirt for females)
Woolly jumper
Brassard, to add all your badges to
Waterproof foul weather coat

You will have to provide shoes, although we do have some pre-loved in our stores.

Although not provided by the RAF we do have some stocks of camouflage clothing, such as shirts, trousers and smocks and we can usually kit out all but the smallest individual.

You will be responsible for maintaining it all and it will need to be returned when you leave, all clean, washed and neatly folded, just as we gave it to you..
You get your uniform free. There is a monthly subs of £12 which is paid by Standing Order. Events outside the squadron are usally about £5 and a weeks stay at camp costs about £90 but youll be transported there and back, have accommodation and also be fed as well as enjoying the activities.

We never want affordability to be a block on doing anything, so if its a bit difficult with funds then have a word with the OC. Its confidential and he will do everything he can to help.

NO! It's important to know that we're not a recruiting organisation for the Services (but it's great if you decide you want to join later on). We're not interested in anything but you and your potential, and will help you get the most from your experience as a cadet.
Good question, lets talk about Staff and then activities. Don’t forget we are a Government ruled organisation so we answer to them through the Ministry of Defence. Safety is paramount.
All of our Adult volunteers are vetted to the same level as school teachers and medical staff, that’s an Enhanced DBS, in addition they have to complete a BPSS which is a basic Security Vetting. Everyone has a probationary period and you need to show you fit in and there are no worries from everyone else. We take our responsibilities of looking after everyone as a serious top priority. We have rules which we have to follow and that includes having someone else present when talking to cadets on their own and minimum numbers for transport.
Staff are only allowed to take part in Air Cadet approved activities provided they are qualified, usually by an outside body, current i.e. within their renewal date. For example for Air Rifle the staff member would have taken several years to attain the qualification, have attended around six weeks intensive training with several practical test, been peer monitored and have been re-tested every six month, hold a higher level of first aid qualification and had a higher level security clearance.
Before we do anything outside we have to have approval from Wing. They require us to have programmes, details, permissions and have Risk assessment’s for every part of the activity. There must be the right ratio of trained staff to cadets which differs for each activity. Just one evenings activity might have have six recorded documents and been approved by three senior people and checks are done on everything before being approved.
Equality is a central part of the Air Cadets’ ethic. The cadet experience is open to everyone, so whatever your nationality, background, gender or ability. if you're between 13, or at age 12 when beginning school year 8 (England & Wales), S1 (Scotland) Yr 9 (Northern Ireland) and 17 years old you can join us.
Its all about pride in yourself, your uniform and your squadron.

If the fire brigade rolled up at your home you wouldn't want them to be a noisy, undisciplined rabble would you?

We have high standards to maintain as we are a 'military' youth organisation and you'll naturally take pride in your uniform (we supply that) and appearance. You'll be well mannered and self-disciplined. You'll be joining an organisation of which you’ll be very proud.

We want to get on and do things, not just spend all our time sorting out a noisy buch, so we will expect you to be well behaved. We dont allow bullying so we certainly wont be doing that ourselves!

If you want to get involved and possibly enjoy all of our activities and more, you could join as a volunteer. There are opportunities for Civilian Instructors, Chaplains, uniformed staff and the Civilian Committee.

Find out more on in "Join as an adult" Section.
Our main intake is in the start of year 8 but you can approach us any time and we will tell you when you can come along. Just make contact and we will invite you in for an informal visit, bring your parents / guardian along and any questions. You will be able to see what goes on and probably join in.

You'll probably find that you'll see some familiar faces from your school or locality.