Civilian Committees help with the running of the unit from squadron level through to representation at National Level. Each squadron has a committee that is made up of parents and friends. Its role is to assist the squadron’s Commanding Officer, raise funds and ensure the squadron maintains direction.
Committees meet usually once-a-month, under the direction of a Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer. Civilian Committees are pleased to accept offers of extra help - even if you can't commit to regular or long term assistance.
The civilian Committee look after the welfare of the Squadron, although they aren't involved in the "blue" side (RAF / RAFAC) they look after the important things like funds. When we make a request for items they decide what we spend the money on. The Squadron does fund raising for itself as well as outside charities and this money provides transport and extra training equipment outside of RAF or Wing funding.
The civilian Committee recently decorated the Squadron building and arranged a caterer for our annual dining in and awards evening.
The funds have provided us with three large screen TV's for training, radio equipment, adventure training kit and Air Rifles to teach the basic marksmanship skills.