Flt Lt. Janet Brown RAFAC LCGI

Flt Lt Janet Brown is the 1334 Squadron Adjutant which means she is responsible for a lot of the day to day paperwork and organisation that the Squadron needs. It involves a lot of extra hours in working on and for the Squadron. 

The Adjutant deals with all the paperwork, which although mostly online now is regarded as a necessary but massive task. The Staff are often being reminded to have things done on time. Flt Lt Brown also liaises with Wing over flying and gliding allocations, and other Squadrons with whom we work with. She is also responsible for all the Squadron clothing and ordering from RAF Honington. 

One of Flt Lt Browns duties is to produce a monthly training program after taking in suggestions from everyone as we have so many activities, its nearly impossible to cram them in to our busy schedule but she manages and can quickly adapt the program when something exciting comes up.

She is also a First Aid instructor and Mini bus driver for the Squadron, which she is often called on both for the Squadron and often for the Wing. Having been Officer Commanding for 26 years, before Flt Lt Appleby took command she is well known for putting forward 1334 Squadron interests. You can rely on Janet to put cadets first and foremost.