27 Jul

This Afternoon Cadet Charlotte Main had her Passing Out Parade at RAF College Cranwell for the prestigious Air Cadet Leadership Course (ACLC) number 124. This will not only have challenged Cadet Main through the assessment for her leadership abilities but also entitle her to wear the Gold Leadership badge, the highest level avalible to the cadets. This is the first time someone from the squadron has ever earned this badge! 

"I signed up to the leadership course as it was an area I wanted to work on.  I went on the course not knowing what to expect and I didn’t know anyone attending the 124 course. Straight away the course was very intense, wake up was at 5:30am everyday. The first day saw us complete a 1.5 mile run before breakfast, followed by a 16km walk along side the Cadet Air Commodore.

It was made clear that this was a course not a camp and it consisted of three phases. These phases put in place all the leadership information taught earlier in the week and tested all your abilities by tasking you to lead scenarios in short timescales. Your weaknesses were quickly highlighted in the mid week interviews and once you passed phase one and two we moved to the field. For two days we camped in bashas and phase three was longer and even more difficult than the previous ones. Even though it was so testing I made so many friends and had so much fun. Finally after numerous drill practices we paraded in front of parents & staff before being awarded our gold badge."

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