11 Oct

We have been so busy since we came back after lockdown that there hasnt been a chance to update all the news. So here are a few headlines of whats been going on. In reverse order.

New Cadets

Our last intake was 14 Cadets who came a long to an open night and decided to come back. They have been here for a few weeks and are really getting into the swing of things, even the shy and retiring ones. Its great to see them gradually moving into uniform.

RAF Waddington and RAF Coningsby Cam

The RAF stations have again welcomed cadets who spent a week doing various activities and visited all over the place. We will have more information on this later when we get all the photgraphs and reports.

Multi Activity Camp

This years camp was at Wretham and included Paddle sports, Mountain biking, Orienteering, Archery, Parade drill with the addition of dummy rifles and a sword (blunt), STEM (Science Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) tasks, Archery. The Cadets were accommodated in a modernised World War 2 Camp that's still in use in Norfolk. You can see some of the photographs in the gallery section.

RAF Lakenheath

This was the first day of the MAC camp but it needs a mention all of its own. We boarded three large RAF buses at our camp and travelled the short distance to RAF Lakenheath which is occupied by the United States Air Force who were our hosts for the day. We were joined by several US servicemen who after splitting us up, there were over 100 of us, were our guides.

We visited the fire section, the Control Tower, the meteorological office, hangers, the F16's, where we were able to walk all over and under.  The heritage park had a F111, a Phantom and a F16, tucked round the corner was a Spitfire as its is after all an RAF Station although there is only one RAF Officer stationed there. We had lunch on top of a hill and the US Police came and gave us a talk and showed what thier Police dogs could do, which was definately impressive.

Wattisham Camp

Flt Lt Cheeseman attends  this every year and as a result Cadets from 1334 have a special invitation to this camp which is run by five Essex Squadrons. Its at the Wattisham Army Airfield where the Army have thier Apache attack helicopters. The cadets have a talk on the Apache and can get inside at the controls. They also visit Air Traffic Control, Fire section, Safety Equipment, Dog section,  the museum, do some air rifle shooting. This year some senior Cadets were invited by the Officers to have tea in the Officers mess.  

Fieldcraft Camps

We Went with other Squadrons to Norfolk and Suffolk Wing Filedcraft training. This is either a one day "taster" session or a full weekend living off rations and under canvas. Learning all the skills including movement at night. You start off on the one day event and then next time you can stop overnight in large tents. The final stage is a weekend under the shelters that you make. Its quite safe as the staff are there to in exactly the same conditions as cadets.

Wing Field Weekend

Every year each  of 24 Squadrons in Norfolk and Suffolk Wing has to choose eight cadets to go to a competition. They take part in several activities and points are awarded in each section. The sections this year were Archery, Raft building, First Aid, Aircraft Recognition, Map reading,, STEM Challenge.

Not forgetting ......

50Th Anniversary of the Wing, a Parade through Bury St Edmunds. Flying at RAF Cranwell, Gliding, Flying training, Fieldcraft training. We went swimming and obtained proficiency awards, drill competitions, cross country, athletics and various other sports.

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